Server-side A secure HTTPS connection on the server, which hosts the web application.
Client-side Latest versions of all major browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera.
Grant permission for the site to access the camera if necessary.
The cmbWeb release comes in multiple variants:
Main differences between the multiple variants are as follows:
Difference between using a solution with the index.wasm file or having it embedded:
The one resource that does not come embedded in any variant is the licensing image; all variants expect to load the licensing image - this can be changed via the mwbScanner.setIcon method already present in the MWBConfig_wa.js file (see Configuring the license image bullet in the Licensing the SDK section).
You can go over the installation details below for each variant.
Place the following files into your web application:
Include the following scripts on the index.html page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="MWBScanner_wa.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="MWBConfig_wa.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sdk_modular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
<script async type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
The /dist directory contains all the necessary files:
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>
The structure of the final solution should be much like the one in the /dist directory.
Make sure that the index.html, index.wasm, and cognex_icon.png files are in the same directory, as the index.js and bundle.js files expect to find them in the directory of the HTML page.
This is true even if index.js and bundle.js reside in a different directory - they still expect index.wasm and cognex_icon.png to be in the directory of the HTML page they are included in.
If you wish to change this you can do so by specifying another path through the mwbScanner.setIcon and setWasmPath methods respectively.
in main.js or you could set a custom string here directly:
The /dist directory contains all the necessary files:
Include the following script on the page:
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
The structure of the final solution should be much like the one in the /dist directory.
Make sure that the index.html and cognex_icon.png files are in the same directory, as the bundle.js file expects to find cognex_icon.png in the directory of the HTML page.
This is true even if bundle.js resides in a different directory - it still expects cognex_icon.png to be in the directory of the HTML page it is included in.
If you wish to change this you can do so by specifying another path through the mwbScanner.setIcon method.
The node_modules/cmbsdk-cmbweb/ directory contains all the necessary files:
Include the following script on the page:
For usage directly in browser
<script type="text/javascript" src="cmbweb.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="MWBConfig_wa.js"></script>
//copy the following files to your page's directory:
//cmbweb.js //cmbWeb SDK
//MWBConfig_wa.js //your custom configuration
//cognex_icon.png //your license image (may have a different name)
The structure of the final solution should be much like the one in the /node_modules/cmbsdk-cmbweb/ directory.
For usage as a nodejs module
//in your entry point file:
var mwbScanner = require('cmbsdk-cmbweb');
window.mwbScanner = mwbScanner;
//in your page:
<script src="./bundle.js"></script> <!-- a bundled file for the browser that contains cmbsdk-cmbweb -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="MWBConfig_wa.js"></script>
//copy the following files to your page's directory:
//MWBConfig_wa.js //your custom configuration
//cognex_icon.png //your license image (may have a different name)
Make sure that the index.html and cognex_icon.png files are in the same directory, as the cmbweb.js / bundle.js file expects to find cognex_icon.png in the directory of the HTML page.
This is true even if cmbweb.js / bundle.js resides in a different directory - it still expects cognex_icon.png to be in the directory of the HTML page it is included in.
If you wish to change this you can do so by specifying another path through the mwbScanner.setIcon method.
The cmbsdk-cmbweb npm package variant of the cmbWEB SDK is in fact the most suitable for integration with Blazor. Refer to the previous section for installation details.
In a Blazor WebAssembly App created from a project template in Visual Studio, you need to do the following to add and use cmbWEB in it:
<script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>
//after including blazor.webassembly.js, include the following cmbWEB files:
<script src="./cmbweb.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="MWBConfig_wa.js"></script>
With that, everything is set. Once the browser loads everything, you can start using the API, for example:
mwbScanner.startScanning(function(res){ console.log(res); }, 25,25,50,50);
on a button click or even from the console, which will start a cameraPreview and start scanning. You can check out the API here.
Note that, this is using cmbWeb side-by-side with Blazor; the UI from cmbWeb is HTML and it does DOM manipulation which is fine as long as you don't intend Blazor to be aware of it, as stated:
The scanner is configured through the MWBConfig_wa.js file, which contains the following:
document.addEventListener("scannerModuleLoaded", function(e) {
console.log(e.detail); //Prints "Scanner is ready."
//can use mwbScanner.* methods now
There is a commented-out example for doing this in the MWBConfig_wa.js file:
let cameraCount = foundCameras.length;
console.log("Cameras found: " + cameraCount);
//list found cameras with label / name and id
for (let i = 0; i < cameraCount; i++)
console.log("Camera " + i + " name: " + foundCameras[i].label + " with ID: " + foundCameras[i].id);
//use desired for the param
let desiredCameraIndex = 0;
let desiredCameraId = foundCameras[desiredCameraIndex].id;
mwbScanner.setCamera(desiredCameraId); //overrides the effect of the MWBuseFrontCamera setting
//can use mwbScanner.startScanning methods now
When it comes to choosing which of the cameras to use for situations where the device has multiple back cameras, and the one without auto-focus is used by default, currently there is no indicator which one has auto-focus so you will have to try which one works best. However, there seems to be a common denominator for the back camera with AF - it will typically have a label like "camera2 0, facing back" so the back camera with a "0" in the label is usually the best one.
The camera switcher is enabled in the MWBConfig_wa.js file with the following setting:
{"method" : "MWBenableCameraSwitcher", "value" : [true]}
Options for the camera switcher can be set with the following setting:
{"method" : "MWBsetCameraSwitcherOptions", "value" : [
0x0 //for binary-OR syntax purposes
]} //Uncomment wanted options
Default value is 0x0 (no option enabled)
@param[in] cameraSwitcherOptions ORed bit mask of camera switcher options
@n CAMERA_SWITCHER_INIT_ON_START - Init camera switcher before starting a scan
@n CAMERA_SWITCHER_USE_ON_START - Use the first camera from all detected cameras (implies CAMERA_SWITCHER_INIT_ON_START)
@n CAMERA_SWITCHER_USE_BEST_CAMERA - Try to use the main back camera from multiple back cameras
Detailed explanation of the configuration options:
The camera switcher initialization happens after a startScanning call,
i.e. on creating a cameraPreview. The operation for listing all available cameras is async, thus it can be awaited
which ensures the camera list is obtained first before proceeding to starting the camera and scanning, otherwise,
it would be executed as asynchronous, where the camera and scanning will be started most likely before the camera
list is obtained. This option will await the initialization, thus it will take longer until the camera and scanning
is started.
By default the MWBuseFrontCamera setting has priority at picking which
camera (back or front) to use on the cameraPreview, and will continue to be the case until a specific camera is
picked and switched to from the camera switcher UI. This option will use the first camera from the camera list on
the start of the cameraPreview, thus the MWBuseFrontCamera setting would no longer have effect.
[Experimental] Devices with multiple back cameras may provide the multiple
back cameras separately rather than as one system, and the wide-angle camera which has no autofocus could be used by
default. While there is no official indicator which camera has autofocus, based on observed common denominator in
such cases, this option will try to order the multiple found cameras such that the main camera which has autofocus
will be listed first and used as default.
function (result) {
if (result.type != "Multicode") {
if (result.type == "Cancel") console.log("No Barcode.");
else alert(result.type + '\n' + result.code);
//detailed example for handling result.type == "Multicode"
//is found in MWBConfig_wa.js
The result object that is returned to the callback function of mwbScanner.startScanning or mwbScanner.scanImage has the following format:
//if using multicode:
result.code - empty string
result.type - string "Multicode"
result.count - the number of detected barcodes - json array of detected barcodes in the result format below
//if using single code (or single code array elements in case of multicode):
result.code - string representation of barcode result
result.parsedCode - string json representation of parsed barcode result (if any)
result.type - type of barcode detected or 'Cancel' if scanning is canceled
result.bytes - bytes array of raw barcode result
result.isGS1 - (boolean) barcode is GS1 compliant
result.locationPoints - contains rectangle points p1,p2,p3,p4 with the corresponding x,y
result.imageWidth - Width of the scanned image
result.imageHeight - Height of the scanned image
result.modulesCountX - Number of modules horizontally
result.modulesCountY - Number of modules vertically
result.moduleSizeX - Width of a module
result.moduleSizeY - Height of a module
result.ppm - Pixels per module
//if an error has occured related to camera use after calling startScanning
result.code - string representation of a user-friendly error description
result.type - string "Error"
result.errorDetails - an object containing error properties (name, message) and various explanations (mozilla, userFriendly, mostLikelyCause)
Possible result types other than symbology type for a found barcode:
Function | result.type | Description |
mwbScanner.startScanning | Error | Indicates that an error has occured, more information included in result.code and result.errorDetails. |
mwbScanner.startScanning | Cancel | Indicates that the previously started scan has been canceled by means of mwbScanner.closeScanner or a timeout. |
mwbScanner.startScanning | Multicode | Incidates that there are multiple barcode detections in a single image or frame. |
mwbScanner.scanImage and mwbScanner.scanFrame | NoResult | Indicates that no barcode has been found or detected. |
mwbScanner.scanImage and mwbScanner.scanFrame | Multicode | Indicates that there are multiple barcode detections in a single image or frame. |
var mw_c = mwbScanner.getConstants(),
settings = [
{"method" : "MWBsetLevel", "value" : [2]}, //1-5
{"method" : "MWBsetDecoderTimeout", "value" : [30]} //10-60
Some of the settings listed in the MWBConfig_wa.js file are commented-out and can be uncommented to enable them, and their values can be changed.
See all configuration methods and parameters listed under the Configuration Reference section.
Once all the modules have loaded and the scanner is ready, meaning that the scannerModuleLoaded event has fired, the exposed methods from the mwbScanner object can be invoked:
fullscreen scanner:
mwbScanner.startScanning(function callback)
partial view scanner:
mwbScanner.startScanning(x, y, width, height)
mwbScanner.startScanning(function callback, x, y, width, height)
x, y, width, height - rectangle of the view in percentages relative to the screen size
callback - result callback
using a div element as a container:
<div id="cmbweb-preview-container"
style="border:1px solid; position:fixed; top:25%; left:25%; width:50%; height:30%; background-color:gray;"></div>
If a div element with "cmbweb-preview-container" id is used in the html page, the sdk will detect this and operate in 'container mode'.
The cameraPreview will fill the container, and calling startScanning will start the preview. Using the x,y,w,h args for startScanning has no effect in container mode. The resizePartialScanner method also has no effect in container mode.
A "cameraReady" event is triggered when the camera is fully initialized after calling the startScanning method:
document.addEventListener("cameraReady", function(e) {
console.log(e.detail); //Prints "Camera is ready."
mwbScanner.scanImage(URI, function callback)
URI - the path to the image
callback - result callback
Scan fullscreen - mwbScanner.startScanning()
Scan in view - mwbScanner.startScanning(5,5,90,50)
Scan image - mwbScanner.scanImage('test_img.png')
Pause/Resume - mwbScanner.togglePauseResume()
Resume - mwbScanner.resumeScanning()
Close - mwbScanner.closeScanner()
Flash - mwbScanner.toggleFlash()
Zoom - mwbScanner.toggleZoom()
Resize partial view - mwbScanner.resizePartialScanner(25,25,50,50)
mwbScanner.scanFrame(ImageData | dataURL)
mwbScanner.scanFrame(ImageData | dataURL, function callback)
ImageData | dataURL - either an object of type ImageData OR a dataURL image string
callback - result callback
Licensing is done by using an image that contains the licensing information. You can see such an image file as the license key itself.
The cmbWEB SDK sample comes with a license image file cognex_icon.png, which does not contain a license, it only serves as an example. The actual license image file can have a different name and/or path, for example, carrier_icon.png.
Use mwbScanner.setIcon() to specify the license image name and path in the MWBConfig_wa.js file by including the path and image name as an argument.
The image file carrier_icon.png is expected to be in the same directory as the index.html file and the .js file that calls the setIcon method.
Using a path works in relation to the index.html file in this example, or the root of the server in case of /path
The setIcon method can be overloaded with two arguments.
mwbScanner.setIcon(iconURI, allowCrossOrigin);
The setIcon method now also accepts a 2nd argument (boolean) which if set to true allows cross origin, otherwise if set to false or not used at all it keeps the default (no cross origin).
mwbScanner.setIcon("carrier_icon.png", true);
This would enable the option of using a license image that is hosted on another server i.e. originates from another domain than the one the web app is hosted on, such as a CDN for example.
//Possible values:
"Scanner is ready." //(license is valid)
"Invalid domain."
"Invalid license."
"Expired license."
Regardless of string value the scanner is ready once the scannerModuleEvent has fired (results will be masked if not licensed).
Request a license on
After clicking request license and selecting CMBWEB/Wasm License, the site navigates to the WASM License Purchase Request page where a license can be created by generating a small image from the provided information, such as:
The generated image serves as a carrier for the licensing information.
Each variant comes with a sampleApp directory, which makes use of the cmbWeb SDK.
Files specific to the sample app are:
There are slight differences in what index.html includes and in how MWBConfig_wa.js carries out the configuration, specific to each variant, but other than that, the content of the sample app is identical for all.
When it comes to what most will be of interest for utilizing cmbWeb, you can check out the following files:
For taking a closer look at the sample_app_UI.js file, you can skip the GUI_helper object and check out the event listener method for the "scannerModuleLoaded" event, as well as the add_gui_controls method.
The following methods are meant to be used in a settings array in MWBConfig_wa.js:
@name "MWBsetActiveCodes" Sets active or inactive status of decoder types
@param[in] activeCodes ORed bit flags (MWB_CODE_MASK_...) of decoder types to be activated.
CodeMask constants are available for all codeMask variables
@name "MWBsetActiveSubcodes" Set active subcodes for given code group flag. Subcodes under some decoder type are all activated by default.
@param[in] codeMask Single decoder type/group (MWB_CODE_MASK_...)
@param[in] subMask ORed bit flags of requested decoder subtypes (MWB_SUBC_MASK_)
@name "MWBsetFlags" Sets active or inactive status of decoder types
@param[in] codeMask Single decoder type (MWB_CODE_MASK_...)
@param[in] flags ORed bit mask of selected decoder type options (MWB_FLAG_...)
@name "MWBsetMinLength" configures minimum result length for decoder type specified in codeMask.
@param[in] codeMask Single decoder type (MWB_CODE_MASK_...)
@param[in] minLength Minimum result length for selected decoder type
@name "MWBsetDirection"
@param[in] direction ORed bit mask of direction modes given with MWB_SCANDIRECTION_... bit-masks
@n MWB_SCANDIRECTION_OMNI - omnidirectional lines
@n MWB_SCANDIRECTION_AUTODETECT - enables BarcodeScanners autodetection of barcode direction
@n MWB_SCANDIRECTION_CUSTOM - custom barcode direction
@name "MWBsetScanningRect"
Sets the scanning rectangle
Parameters are interpreted as percentage of image dimensions, i.e. ranges are 0 - 100 for all parameters.
@param[in] codeMask Single decoder type selector (MWB_CODE_MASK_...)
@param[in] left X coordinate of left edge (percentage)
@param[in] top Y coordinate of top edge (percentage)
@param[in] width Rectangle witdh (x axis) (percentage)
@param[in] height Rectangle height (y axis) (percentage)
@name "MWBsetLevel"
Effort level of the scanner values can be
@param[in] level 1,2,3,4 and 5
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetLevel", "value" : [3]}]
@name "MWBsetOverlayMode"
@param[in] OverlayMode
@n OverlayModeNone No overlay is displayed
@n OverlayModeMW Use MW Dynamic Viewfinder with blinking line
@n OverlayModeImage Show image on top of camera preview
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetOverlayMode", "value" : [mw_c.OverlayModeImage]}]
@name "MWBresizePartialScanner"
Resizes partial scanner dimensions. If usePartialScanner is true the scanner will open in a window with these dimensions
@param[in] left X coordinate of left edge (percentage)
@param[in] top Y coordinate of top edge (percentage)
@param[in] width Rectangle witdh (x axis) (percentage)
@param[in] height Rectangle height (y axis) (percentage)
example : [{"method" : "MWBresizePartialScanner", "value" : [0,0,50,50]}]
@name "MWBusePartialScanner"
Boolean value that opens a partial scanner if set true
@param[in] bool true/false
example : [{"method" : "MWBusePartialScanner", "value" : [true]}]
@name "MWBsetActiveParser"
Set active parser types
@param[in] ActiveParser ORed values
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetActiveParser", "value" : [mw_c.MWP_PARSER_MASK_GS1 | mw_c.MWP_PARSER_MASK_IUID]}]
//additional settings:
@name "MWBsetBlinkingLineVisible"
Set blinking line visible
Default value is true
@param[in] visible
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetBlinkingLineVisible", "value" : [true]}]
@name "MWBsetPauseMode"
What happens when the scanner is paused
Default value is PM_PAUSE
@param[in] pauseMode
@n PM_NONE - Nothing happens
@n PM_PAUSE - Blinking lines are replaced with a pause view
@n PM_STOP_BLINKING - Blinking lines stop blinking
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetPauseMode", "value" : [mw_c.PM_STOP_BLINKING]}]
@name "MWBenableHiRes"
Enable or disable high resolution scanning. It is recommended to enable it when target barcodes are of high density or small footprint. If device does not support high resolution param will be ignored
Accepts boolean (false - 480p, true - 720p) or constants (mw_c.CamRes_SD - 480p, mw_c.CamRes_HD - 720p, mw_c.CamRes_FHD - 1080p)
Default value is true (enabled) / CamRes_HD (720p)
@param[in] enableHiRes
example : [{"method" : "MWBenableHiRes", "value" : [true]}]
@name "MWBenableFlash"
Enable or disable flash toggle button on scanning screen. If device does not support flash mode button will be hidden regardles of param
Default value is true (enabled)
@param[in] enableFlash
example : [{"method" : "MWBenableFlash", "value" : [true]}]
@name "MWBturnFlashOn"
Set default state of flash (torch) when scanner activity is started
Default value is false (disabled)
@param[in] flashOn
example : [{"method" : "MWBturnFlashOn", "value" : [false]}]
@name "MWBenableZoom"
Enable or disable zoom button on scanning screen. If device does not support zoom,
button will be hidden regardles of param.
Default value is true (enabled)
@param[in] enableZoom
example : [{"method" : "MWBenableZoom", "value" : [true]}]
@name "MWBsetZoomLevel"
Set desired initial zoom level. Zoom is supported only by chrome. Initial zoom level can be 0 - no zoom, 1 - 50% or 2 - max zoom. Default is 0.
@param[in] zoomLevel 0,1 and 2
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetZoomLevel", "value" : [1]}]
@name "MWBenableClose"
Enable or disable close button on cameraPreview (partial view). If cameraPreview is in full screen mode,
button will be present regardless of param.
Default value is false (disabled)
@param[in] enableClose
example : [{"method" : "MWBenableClose", "value" : [true]}]
@name "MWBcloseScannerOnDecode"
Enable/disable continuous scanning. If 'shouldClose' is 'false', result callback will be performed and scanner will be paused. The User can call 'resumeScanning' to continue scanning, or 'closeScanner' for closing the scanner. Default is 'true'.
@param[in] shouldClose
example : [{"method" : "MWBcloseScannerOnDecode", "value" : [true]}]
@name "MWBsetParam"
Set custom decoder param id / value pair for decoder type specified in a codeMask.
@param[in] codeMask Single decoder type (MWB_CODE_MASK_...)
@param[in] paramId ID of param
@param[in] paramValue Integer value of param
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetParam", "value" : [codeMask, paramId, paramValue]}]
@name "MWBduplicateCodeDelay"
Ignore result if scanned the same code in continuous scanning mode
@param[in] delay Time interval between 2 scan results with the same result.code in milliseconds
example : [{"method" : "MWBduplicateCodeDelay", "value" : [1000]}]
@name "MWBuseFrontCamera"
Use front facing camera
@param[in] useFrontCamera Whether or not to use front facing camera
Default value is false
example : [{"method" : "MWBuseFrontCamera", "value" : [false]}]
@name "MWBsetDecoderTimeout"
The amount of time in seconds the camera preview in either partial view or full screen mode will be on before closeScanner is called.
@param[in] timeout 10-60, 0 to disable
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetDecoderTimeout", "value" : [30]}]
@name "MWBsetDpsLimit"
Decodes per second, i.e. number of frames that are sent for decoding in a given second. This setting only works with our camera preview i.e. when using the startScanning method.
@param[in] dpsLimit 1-30
example : [{"method" : "MWBsetDpsLimit", "value" : [2]}]
Most of the additional settings configure only the implementation of the camera preview. In the case of using a custom preview or camera feed with the scanFrame method, it is up to your implementation to limit the number of frames that are decoded in a given second, meaning the number of calls to scanFrame. This affects performance, especially on iOS.
As described in previous sections, WebAssembly makes CPU intensive execution at near-native speeds available on the client-side. This means that the performance of the device in question can be limited by its hardware capabilities. In general, the decoding speed is faster on desktop computers and slower on mobile devices. Browser support for various features tends to favor desktop versions as well.
Currently, the best browser support is provided by Google Chrome. Other browsers do well in general, with some known differences at this time:
You can improve Safari iOS performance in the following ways:
Example configuration for improving performance on iOS Safari:
{"method" : "MWBsetDpsLimit", "value" : [1]},
{"method" : "MWBsetActiveCodes", "value" : [ mw_c.MWB_CODE_MASK_QR ]},
{"method" : "MWBsetLevel", "value" : [1]},
{"method" : "MWBenableHiRes", "value" : [false]}
The APIs that different browsers provide may differ in other ways, however, we aim to mitigate differences as much as possible to provide a consistent experience across different platforms.
When it comes to using a web or a native SDK, both can scan with similar performance but a native solution (android or iOS SDK) is slightly better because natively there is a slightly better camera focus, and that affects the scan the most.
For the most part, this slight difference in-camera focus won't be an issue, but, depending on your use case, such as cases where your code has a high density, it might take more time to scan compared to a native solution.
In such demanding cases, you might do fine with either 720p or 1080p resolution, but your camera must have auto-focus otherwise you'll have a hard time getting a clear frame and a successful scan. If not, then maybe a better barcode sample with a larger size might offset the lack of camera quality.
In general, while higher-end mobile devices are better, there is no limit to how low-end you can go with a particular mobile device, again, as long as it has a good enough camera with autofocus (of course you should test for your use case to see how suitable it is).