The purpose of these wiki pages is to provide detailed description of the API methods of the Cordova plugin that implements the cmbSDK.
The plugin on the JavaScript side of things, is implemented as one js file that can be found in the www folder of your Cordova app.
In the plugin folder, we also provide a sample folder, which is basically three files that can be copied to your js/index.js css/index.css and index.html of your project and a cmbconfig.js file that is copied automatically to the /js folder, when the plugin is installed.
It covers other implementations too, specifically Ionic and a Hybrid app approach based on SAP/FIORI platform.
To build an awesome app with Cordova, we first need to create one with the cordova starter:
cordova create awesome-cordova-app-with-cmbsdk
cd awesome-cordova-app-with-cmbsdk
cordova plugin add absolute_path_to_plugin_directory //for example: /Users/superUser/cmb-cordova-master
cordova platform add android
//cordova platform add ios //if you want to build on ios
For an Ionic solution:
#install ionic
sudo npm install -g cordova ionic
#start an ionic app with tabs layout
ionic start awesome-ionic-app tabs
cd awesome-ionic-app
#add our plugin
ionic cordova plugin add /WORKPLACE/PLUGINS/cmb-cordova //path to where you unzipped our plugin
#add the platform
ionic cordova platform add android@7.0.0
brew update && brew install gradle
# see
//to build directly from the console need to change the permissions of the gradlew file
sudo chmod 755 /Users/**/platforms/android/gradlew
//going to need ionic-native too
npm install ionic-native --save
//will run on android with live refresh and console logs
ionic cordova run android -l -c
This will create an app. The developer needs to be familiar with the process of developing on Cordova. There are quirks, like iOS will want a signing profile, or Android will complain about the manifest file.
Once there is a Cordova app that builds on the desired platform, we can add our Cognex solution.
In the Cordova plugin folder from the sample folder we need to copy the index.html into the platform www folder. The index.js into www/js/index.js, and the index.css into www/css/index.css. cmbconfig.js is copied automatically to the www/js folder.
If you plan to use the cmbSDK to do mobile scanning with a smartphone or tablet (with no MX mobile terminal), then the SDK requires the installation of a license key. Without a license key, the SDK will still operate, although scanned results will be obfuscated (the SDK will randomly replace characters in the scan result with an asterisk character).
Contact your Cognex Sales Representative for information on how to obtain a license key including trial licenses which can be used for 30 days to evaluate the SDK.
Android - After obtaining your license key, add the following line in your application's AndroidManifest.xml file, under the application tag:
<meta-data android:name="MX_MOBILE_LICENSE" android:value="YOUR_MX_MOBILE_LICENSE"/>
Next, put your key in place of YOUR_MX_MOBILE_LICENSE.
<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:icon="@mipmap/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:supportsRtl="true">
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|keyboard|screenSize|locale" android:label="@string/activity_name" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:name="MainActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.NoActionBar" android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize">
<intent-filter android:label="@string/launcher_name">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<meta-data android:name="MX_MOBILE_LICENSE" android:value="g/9ytJzcja+sxt4DTEDxR4hp6sZh9bmL97vUx+EE9uY="/>
iOS - After obtaining your license key, add it as a String in your application's Info.plist file, under the key MX_MOBILE_LICENSE.
The list of Constants that can be used by a developer is as follows:
There are two types of devices that you can use with this Cordova plugin. An MX device which is a hardware scanner, and a smartphone Camera.
DEVICES_FRIENDLY : ["MX Device","Camera"],
There are two types of triggers, but six values are reserved. For the MANUAL_TRIGGER setting, once a barcode is found during the scanning process, the scanner will automatically stop further scanning. For CONTINUOUS_TRIGGER it will keep looking for a barcode and will fire the event each time it finds a barcode.
When we monitor the connection state of the READER device (either Camera or MX) with setConnectionStateDidChangeOfReaderCallback we can get one of the following integer values that can be accessed via the CONSTANTS object
The developer has access to the following camera modes:
The developer has access to the following preview overlay modes:
A list of available SYMBOLS to use with the our scanner.
Refer to the wiki pages Appendix A DMCC for the Camera Reader for more info on support for SYMBOLS.
,"SYMBOL.QR" : 2
,"SYMBOL.C128" : 3
,"SYMBOL.C11" : 5
,"SYMBOL.C39" : 6
,"SYMBOL.C93" : 7
,"SYMBOL.I2O5" : 8
,"SYMBOL.PDF417" : 13
,"SYMBOL.RPC" : 23
,"SYMBOL.MSI" : 24
,"SYMBOL.C25" : 27
,"SYMBOL.OCR" : 29
interface BarcodeResult {
readString : string,
symbologyString: string,
symbology : integer,
goodRead : bool,
xml: string,
imageGraphics? : string,
image? : string
The result from a successful scan is returned in an JavaScript Object with the layout shown above. The image is optional and it depends on the enableImage() API method.
To get a scanner up and running, the first thing to do, is to call the loadScanner() method.
It expects a device type and a callback function as a second param. The callback function is wrapped within a Promise and it's returned as one.
/* @return
const (string)action : the taken action (will always return LOAD READER)
(string) result : the message from the server
(bool) status : if the reader was loaded it will return true
(string) err : the string error if an error was thrown
(int) type : the type of the device that we connected to [0,1]
(string) name : the name of the type of device DEVICES[type]
The device type parameter can either be a string constant, with possible values:
//example as a callback:
//example as a Promise
//example passing the device type as an integer
To connect to a READER after we've loaded it, we need to use Connect.
- cmbScanner.connect([callback]);
/* @return
(promise) {
status : boolean, if connection succeded true if not false
err : string , if status false err will not be null
/** Using connect and returning the value as a promise */
// { "status" : false, "err" : "Did not return OK in success" }
/** Using connect and returning the value as a callback function */
Even though we return the result of the connect action, acting on the result from the connect callback for the purpose of updating DOM elements or calling API methods that only work after we have a connection set, is not advised.
There is a listener callback (setConnectionStateDidChangeOfReaderCallback) function that can be set, that will always trigger whenever there is a change in the connection state and we should really keep that code there.
- /* @return
- (promise) {
- status : boolean, if connection succeded true if not false
- err : string , if status false err will not be null
- }
- */
Just as there is connect(), there is a disconnect() method that does the opossite of connect() :
- cmbScanner.disconnect([callback])
Similarly to connect(), disconnect() too returns the connectionState in the callback function (which is wrapped into a Promise), and we could act on the connectionState, for example change the label from "connected" to "disconnected":
else if (connectionState == cmbScanner.CONSTANTS.CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED){
But, just like connect(), we don't have to do this because of setConnectionStateDidChangeOfReaderCallback() that sets a listener to all connect / disconnect / connecting / disconnecting events.
To handle successful scan results, we need to setup the ResultCallback function. This is done via the setResultCallback.
It sets the callback function for all didReceiveReadResultFromReader events.
if(result && result.readResults && result.readResults.length > 0){
result.readResults.forEach(function (item, index){
if (item.goodRead == true) {
//Perform some action on barcode read
document.getElementById('content').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend','<div class="result"><span class="symbol">'+item.symbologyString+'</span> : '+item.readString+'</div>');
//we could put all this DOM handling in the dom helper object, but since it's just one line of code let's leave it be
//Perform some action when no barcode is read or just leave it empty
// navigator.notification.alert("Stopped");
ResultCallback will fire every time there is a barcode scan (or the scanner was stopped either manually or it timedout with No Result).
The structure of the barcode result is as follows:
To monitor for availability of the MX device use:
Set a listener on availability changes. Will fire when the device becomes available or loses availability.
* availability - int representation of the Device availability
//Perform some action when device availability is not known
else if (availability == CONSTANTS.AVAILABILITY_AVAILABLE) {
//Perform some action when device is available
//Perform some action when device is not available
All connect/disconnect events should be handled within the callback function set with this API method.
The callback is optional, because the plugin provides a default callback that handles connect/disconnect events, but the default callback is only a placeholder function and doesn't offer much functionality to the end app developer.
When the connetionStateDidChange is fired, it will return one of 4 possible integer values
These can be accessed directly as integers, or the developer can use them from the CONSTANTS enum available to them by accessing the CONSTANTS object within the cmbScanner.
Example of this in action would be:
if(connectionState == cmbScanner.CONSTANTS.CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED){
//do stuff while connected, like set a symbology to enabled
return cmbScanner.setSymbologyEnabled("SYMBOL.QR",true).then(function(rr){
//see setSymbologyEnabled for more info on the rr (returned result) object
//after the symbol has been set we can send a command. Let's set the flash ON
cmbScanner.sendCommand("SET LIGHT.INTERNAL-ENABLE ON")
//if the command is succesful we should have the LIGHT turn ON whenever we start the scanning process
//and to check if the flash is ON we can use the isLightsOn API method
//light should be on
Here we not only listen to the connect/disconnect event, but we also enable a few symbologies and set the flash light on, via a command and the API method isLightsOn.
If we want to monitor the state of the scanner (READER), we need to setup this callback function.
if(scannerState == true){
console.log('scanner is working');
console.log('scanner is not working');
As previously mentioned, setting this function, completely removes the need to setup a callback on the startScanning() or stopScanning() methods.
Even though it may seem more appropriate to just have that action return in a promise or a callback immediately after startScanning()/stopScanning() is called, due to the nature of the stopScanning process, which occurs every time there's is a result, it's best to listen for both actions (starting and stopping) in the same place.
To check and request permission to use the camera for scanning barcodes with the mobile device.
Example of how you would use it:
// Camera permission is granted
}, function(result) {
// Camera permission is denied
// If result is 1, on android means permission rationale should be shown,
// while on ios means permission can be requested, otherwise the result is 0
// Camera permission is granted
}, function(result) {
// Camera permission is denied
// If result is 1, on android means permission rationale should be shown,
// while on ios means permission can be requested, otherwise the result is 0
To start/stop the scanning process, we use these two methods. They can either be called from a button via the app's UI, or we can call the programmatically.
Because of the nature of the READERS we should always set the setActiveStartScanningCallback() function, if we want to control certain DOM elements based on the status of the scanner (Reader).
document.getElementById('scanner-active-label')[removed] = 'RUNNING';
document.getElementById('scanner-active-label')[removed] = 'STOPPED';
<a href="cmbScanner.startScanning();">Start Scanner</a> <!-- button to start the scanner -->
<a href="cmbScanner.stopScanning();">Stop Scanner</a> <!-- button to stop the scanner -->
<a href="cmbScanner.startScanning(function(scanner_state){
//this callback function will be used, only if we don't already have one set via
// setActiveStartScanningCallback. In all other cases it will be ignored.
});">Start Scanner</a> <!-- button to start the scanner with a callback, avoid this and always use setActiveStartScanningCallback -->
To scan a barcode from an image, we can use either scanImageFromUri or scanImageFromBase64.
/* @return
(promise) {
status : boolean, status of image scanning execution
err : string , if status false err will not be null
/* @return A promise that contains the JSON object
action : the DMCC command that was invoked
status : did it succeed or not, if an error happened it will be set to false
result : if the symbol is enabled then true, if not then false
err : the error message if the action didn't complete
Example of how you would use it:
//will print {"action" : "SET SYMBOL.C93 ON","status" : true, "result" : true, "err" : null}
//or with a Promise
//will print {"action" : "SET SYMBOL.C93 ON","status" : true, "result" : true, "err" : null}
To check if we have a symbol enabled, we use isSymbologyEnabled().
@return A promise that contains the object
action : the DMCC command that was invoked
status : did it succeed or not, if an error happened it will be set to false
result : if the symbol is enabled then true, if not then false
err : the error message if the action didn't complete
//will print {"action" : "GET SYMBOL.C93","status" : true, "err" : null,"result" : true}
To set how the camera will behave when we use camera device as a barcode reader we use:
Use camera with no aimer. Preview is on, illumination is available.
Use camera with a basic aimer (e.g., StingRay). Preview is off, illumination is not available.
Use mobile device front camera. Preview is on, illumination is not available.
Configure decoder flags for type specified by the code mask.
/* @return
(promise) {
status : boolean, status of execution
err : string , if status false err will not be null
Example of how you would use it:
cmbscanner.enableCameraFlag(cmbscanner.CONSTANTS.MASKS.MWB_CODE_MASK_39, cmbscanner.CONSTANTS.FLAGS.MWB_CFG_CODE39_EXTENDED_MODE, function(result) {
if(result.status == true)
console.log('Decoder flag is enabled');
console.log('Decoder flag is NOT enabled. Error: ' + result.err);
This controls the preview/scanning options when using the Mobile device camera. Multiple options can be OR'd together.
* Use defaults (no overrides).
* Disable zoom feature (removes zoom button from preview).
"NO_ZOOM_BTN" : 1,
* Disable illumination (removes illumination button from preview).
* Enables the simulated hardware trigger (the volume down button).
* When scanning starts, the preview is displayed but decoding is paused until a trigger (either the on screen button or the volume down button, if enabled) is pressed.
* Force the preview to be displayed, even if off by default (e.g., when using kCDMCameraModePassiveAimer or kCDMCameraModeActiveAimer).
* Use higher resolution if the device supports it. Default is 1280x720, with this param 1920x1080 will be used.
* Use higher framerate if the device supports it. Default is 30 FPS, with this param 60 FPS will be used.
* Show close button in partial view.
* Keep the preview in paused state after read or timeout.
@params x,y,w,h
x,y : top left position
w,h : width and height of the rectangular in precentages of the full container
//will set the preview to 0,0 and 100% width 50% height
Available only on iOS, applies only for the camera reader.
Sets the camera preview partial view top axis to start below the status bar matching the Androids behavior. It expects one boolean argument.
//will set the preview to 0,0 and 100% width 50% height.
//On iOS the partial view will be shown below the status bar.
//will set the preview to 0,0 and 100% width 50% height.
//On iOS the partial view will start from the top of the screen, and will overlap the status bar.
Set the camera overlay mode. You need to do it before loadScanner is called, otherwise it will not work properly.
Read more about overlay modes here
Set whether or not the scanning session should stop when the application UI changes orientation. It expects one boolean argument.
To show or hide a message on top of the camera preview while scanning with the mobile camera.
To enable the flash light programmatically, we can use:
@return A promise that contains the JSON object
(string) action : the DMCC command that was invoked
(bool) status : did it succeed or not, if an error happened it will be set to false
(string) err : the error message if the action didn't complete
(bool) result : the result of the taken action, in this case TRUE if the light was enabled, false if not
//or with a promise, the callback function is wrapped within a promise
//so if we don't set a callback function as a param, the default one will be used
//and it will return a promise to continue the chain
To check if the flash light is ON, we can use:
@return A promise that contains the JSON object
(string) action : the DMCC command that was invoked
(bool) status : did it succeed or not, if an error happened it will be set to false
(string) err : the error message if the action didn't complete
(bool) result : the result of the taken action, in this case TRUE if the light was enabled, false if not
//or with a promise, the callback function is wrapped within a promise
//so if we don't set a callback function as a param, the default one will be used
//and it will return a promise to continue the chain
If we want to return the last image seen by the decoder we use enableImage(). If we want image graphics stats on the returned image we use enableImageGraphics().
//it will enable the image in the result
//will show where exactly the barcode was detected on the image
The structure of the bar code result object is:
interface BarcodeResult {
readString : string,
symbologyString: string,
symbology : integer,
goodRead : bool,
xml: string,
imageGraphics? : string,
image? : string
Enable or disable parsing for scanned barcodes. Expects one argument of type cmb.CONSTANTS.PARSERS.
Set encoding for the readString result type. Expects one argument of type cmb.CONSTANTS.READSTRING_ENCODING.
Most of the API methods can be replaced with just sending the appropriate commands to the MX (or Camera) reader.
Send command receives a callback and wraps it into a promise, so the chain can be continued.
cmbScanner.sendCommand("SET SYMBOL.POSTNET OFF")
//and in the promise let's see what our command did
//or like this
cmbScanner.sendCommand("SET LIGHT.INTERNAL-ENABLE ON")
//if the command is succesful we should have the LIGHT turn ON whenever we start the scanning process
The first command will disable the SYMBOL POSTNET. The second will set the Flash ON.
Both actions can be performed with their appropriate API functions setSymbologyEnabled() and setLightsOn() and generally speaking a developer should always prefer the API functions to the sendCommand().
However, there are cases where the Cordova plugin doesn't cover certain use case scenarios, and we can always use the sendCommand for that.
If we want to change the way our MX device "beeps" and "lights" we can use:
Action | Command | Parameter | Param Values | Description of Parameters | Resulting Action |
event number, beep tone, beep number, LED color, vibration |
[1,2] [0-2] [0-3] [0-7] [ON|OFF] |
Sets the beeper tone and the number of beeps for USER_EVENT_1 or USER_EVENT_2. |
So for our example we would have:
cmbScanner.sendCommand("SET OUTPUT.USER-CONFIGURE 1 1 2 4 ON").then(function(response){
//console.log(response); //print out the result of the action
This will configure user event #1 to two medium beeps with red LED and vibration. In order to activate this event, we use:
//this will call the stored settings item for USER1, so the MX device will basically beep twice with red LED and vibration
Plays a beep on the reader device
Available only on iOS.
A company owning and operating many Cognex Mobile Terminals may want to remotely collect up-to-date information about battery level, battery health, installed firmware, etc.
An iOS application using the cmbSDK framework can report status information of the attached Mobile Terminal to an MDM instance. This can be enabled with the setMDMReportingEnabled method that accepts one boolean argument.
More on the MDM Reporting can be found here
Available only on iOS.
Used for creating authentication credentials used for MDM reporting. It takes four string arguments: username, password, clientID and clientSecret.
Should be called before setMDMReportingEnabled.
More on the MDM Reporting can be found here
cmb.createMDMAuthCredentials("username", "password", "clientID", "clientSecret");
If we need to reset the configuration settings stored for the MX/Camera reader we can use:
@return A promise that contains the JSON object
(string) action : the DMCC command that was invoked
(bool) status : did it succeed or not, if an error happened it will be set to false
(string) err : the error message if the action didn't complete and there is an error. default is null
(bool) result : the result of the sendCommand action
To see what cmbSDK version you're currently using:
@return A promise that contains the cmbSDK version string
(string) version : cmbSDK version
Get camera exposure compensation range.
Return successful callback with range as JSON object or error callback with the error message if something goes wrong.
// range is JSON object with these attributes
// "lower" : min camera exposure value
// "upper" : max camera exposure value
// "step" : camera exposure step value
}, function(error){ console.log(error); });
Note: The camera needs to be started within cmbSDK at least once to get the camera exposure compensation range.
Sets the camera exposure compensation value. Send float value that will be set as exposure compensation.
cmbScanner.setCameraExposureCompensation(5, function(error){
Note: This needs to be called after successful connection to reader device. If value that is send is greater than camera exposure max value, max value will be set, if value that is send is lower than camera exposure min value, min value will be set.
Configure decoder param id/value pair for type specified by the code mask.
/* @return
(promise) {
status : boolean, status of execution
err : string , if status false err will not be null
Example of how you would use it:
cmbscanner.setCameraParam(cmbscanner.CONSTANTS.MASKS.MWB_CODE_MASK_39, 1, 0, function(result) {
if(result.status == true)
console.log('Param is set');
console.log('Param is NOT set. Error: ' + result.err);
Load config from app data if exist.
Example of how you would use it:
// Camera config was loaded successfully
}, function(result) {
// Camera config is NOT loaded successfully
Note: Use this API when reader device is used as camera only and it should be called when we have valid connection to reader. For handheld devices this API is not used and config is saved and automatically loaded from device memory.
To set paired BT device that will be used for scanning. Input param for Android platform represent the MAC address, while for iOS input param represent the UUID.
For Android:
For iOS:
To get paired BT device that is used for scanning. Returns current BT device UUID in successful callback.
To check if reader device is available use getAvailability().
if (availability == cmbScanner.CONSTANTS.AVAILABILITY_AVAILABLE)
console.log('ReaderDevice is available');
console.log('ReaderDevice is NOT available');
If you need to get the current connection state, getConnectionState() can be used
if ((connectionState == cmbscanner.CONSTANTS.CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED)) {
console.log('ReaderDevice is connected');
} else if (connectionState == cmbscanner.CONSTANTS.CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
console.log('ReaderDevice is disconnected');
} else if (connectionState == cmbscanner.CONSTANTS.CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTING) {
console.log('ReaderDevice is connecting');
} else if (connectionState == cmbscanner.CONSTANTS.CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTING) {
console.log('ReaderDevice is disconnecting');
Method to show the battery level of the connected device
cmbscanner.getDeviceBatteryLevel(function(result) {
if(result.status == true)
console.log('Battery level is ' + result.charge);
console.log('Battery level is unknown. Error: ' + result.err);